21-WFMJ News Podcast

The Outcue: A drug addiction treatment center may be coming to Austintown.....are community concerns warranted?

March 29, 2024 21-WFMJ Newsroom Season 1 Episode 6

"The Outcue" is a 21 News journalist perspective of our top news stories.

Each week, the 21 News staff, including reporters and managers, will discuss what goes on behind the scenes in covering stories for you - from the newsgathering process to getting the final product on the air, in this new video podcast.

In this episode, assistant news director J. Breen Mitchell sits down with Madison Tromler and Sydney Canty to discuss how a story develops when it starts with concerns from community members. 

The three discuss the difference between the easy way, which involves simply amplifying what people are saying, to the valuable, which involves digging into what the worry is and whether it's well-founded or based in fears that are unlikely to materialize. 

The Outcue is a term for the final few words at the end of a news story. 

When what you see on television is only the beginning of the story.....this is The Outcue.